Kousins Kustoms Custom Knives

SonoranDesertKnives.com is now offering Kousins Kustoms Custom Knives by Texas knife maker James Ivy.

Rasp Knife Box Elder Burl G-10 Madness

Order yours today here Kousins Kustoms

Head2Toe; Neck & Boot Knife Sale

S&W Boot Knife

S&W Boot Knife

Becker Necker
Becker Necker



Arm yourself from Head2Toe with our month long Boot and Neck Knife sale, only at http://SonoranDesertKnives.com


(Click on the photos to take you to the sales!)

Custom Handcrafted Arrowhead


Had this made to resale, but I have received so many comments on it when I wear it that I now use it to let others know about my website and hand out my business card.
Arrowhead made by Jim Ort of Oz Knives
Bead work done by the Bead Lady, Helen

40th Annual AKCA Knife & Gun Show

Splash Neck Knife

Just added the Splash Neck Knife by custom knife maker Ellis Sloan and put it on sale until the end of the month!